The on­line ap­plic­a­tion

Please note the detailed information on formalities and necessary application documents on our website. These instructions only describe the first processes within the online application system. We will only consider applications that are submitted to us completely by the application deadline.

Ba­sic Tips

Before you fill out the online application form, you need already have informed yourself about exchange possibilities in the partner universities portal.
While doing your research, make a note of the responsible Departmental Coordinator for each university of your choice. Within the faculties, the Departmental Coordinators are responsible for the respective cooperation and can advise you on the content and options of the cooperation.

Ba­sic pro­ced­ure

In the application round, you can apply for up to five mobility requests in one field of study.
During the application periode you will find the link to the application form on our homepage. Before you can access it, you have to log in with your university account (IMT access data).

Ap­plic­a­tion sys­tem

After submitting the application form, you will receive an e-mail as confirmation of registration.
By clicking on the link in the email, you will be redirected to the Mobility Online login page. There you can log in with your university account (IMT user data) and continue the application process.

ATTENTION!!! Click on the option "Login via Single-Sign-On" to be able to log in with your university account.

You can download the application form by clicking on the "Create Application form" in the application process.
You can only upload the complete application dataset once you have confirmed that the documents are complete.

In case of ques­tions and prob­lems

For technical questions such as operating problems or error messages, please contact