In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ar­ity is firmly anchored!

Paderborn University is distinguished by excellent, interdisciplinary basic research along with a strong application-oriented approach resulting from close collaboration with industry and civil society. This is underpinned through matrix organisational structures extending beyond faculty and departmental boundaries. Currently, eleven interdisciplinary research units spanning all five faculties, represent this successful cooperation. Coordinated interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research programmes contribute to this vision.

Interdisciplinary research institutes pool knowledge from different areas for mutual benefit.

Paderborn University's collaborative research centres mirror our key research areas. They work on fundamental questions and issues.

Funding is provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Research Units promote the collaborative work of renowned scientists on a special topic. They receive funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Each faculty offers graduate programmes. These are funded by the German Research Foundation and other organisations.

The Priority Programmes aim to give clear impetus to the advancement of science and the humanities through coordinated multi-location funding for important new topics.