Om­bud­sper­son for Good Re­search Prac­tice

If you have any questions regarding good research practice, please contact Paderborn University’s Ombudsperson, who can help examine facts, provide moderation support and, where necessary, initiate further action.

The Ombudsperson will handle your queries in strict confidence.

The Ombudsperson works independently and is not subject to directives or bound by instructions.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Claus Reinsberger

Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice

Office: SP.1.524
Phone: +49 5251 60-3180
Web: Homepage


Prof. Dr. Britt-Marie Schuster

Deputy Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice

Office: H3.137
Phone: +49 5251 60-2868
Web: Homepage

Members and affiliates of Paderborn University are welcome to contact the national “German Research Ombudsperson” appointed by the DFG instead of the Paderborn University Ombudsperson.