Learn­ing coun­selling

Learning is an essential part of studying. If there are difficulties here, it usually has a noticeable effect on the success of your studies and your own well-being. Our learning counselling service provides you with individual and interdisciplinary advice on the following topics:

  • Getting to know and applying successful learning strategies
  • Improving time management and self-organisation and reducing procrastination
  • Increasing motivation to learn and resolving motivational difficulties
  • Preparing for exams more helpfully and dealing with exam worries

You can describe your individual situation in a protected atmosphere, ask questions and develop possible solutions for yourself, whether as targeted exam coaching or for the general improvement of your learning situation.

Coun­selling with ap­point­ment

To arrange individual counselling sessions (in person, by telephone or via video), please write to Mr Müller(lernberatung@uni-paderborn.de). If you are coming to an appointment with several students, please let us know.

business-card image

Jan-Martin Müller

Student Advice Centre

Psychosoziale Beratung, Lernberatung

Write email +49 5251 60-2811
Lernen in der Bibliothek.

Fur­ther tips on the top­ic of study tech­niques

The blog "Fit for your studies" provides all relevant information on academic research and writing. In addition, various time management methods are presented and tips are given on how to best prepare for exams.

Blog "Fit for your studie