Pader­born Peace Lec­tures: Is­lam­ic Peace­makers: Thinkers, Act­iv­ists and Move­ments of Is­lam­ic Non­vi­ol­ence

Ort: Gewölbe (Marienplatz 18)

On Wednesday, 29 May, the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University invites you to a lecture in the vault under Paderborn's Marienplatz (Marienplatz 18) as part of the Paderborn Peace Lectures. Starting at 6.30 pm, the Islamic scholar and philosopher Dr Muhammad Sameer Murtaza will speak on the topic of ‘Islamic peacemakers: thinkers, activists and movements of Islamic non-violence’. Admission starts at 6.15 pm. Registration is requested by 27 May.

The lecture is part of a series of peace lectures from Islamic, Jewish and Christian perspectives and is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia as part of the joint project on the social transfer of comparative theology.

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Sarah Lebock

Zentrum für Komparative Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften (ZeKK)

Geschäftsführung ZeKK

Write email +49 5251 60-4527